The Girl Who Forgets How To Walk
+ in conversation with Poet Kate Davis
Subtitles for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing viewers available
‘We never speak of it, but here we know the land can’t be trusted.’ The Girl Who Forgets How To Walk reinterprets a series of poems from the debut book of Cumbrian poet Kate Davis. It tells a personal narrative of contracting polio as a young girl, her subsequent disability and slow process of learning to walk again.
The Girl Who Forgets How To Walk Dir. Julia Parks 2019, UK, 16mins English + SDH
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The Girl Who Forgets How To Walk (2019)
Julia parks and Kate Davis in conversation (Cample Line, 3 February 2024)
Julia Parks is an artist filmmaker exploring the different relationships between landscapes, plants, people and industry. She works with experimental documentary forms often using 16mm film, archival footage, poetry and song.