We are located at Cample Mill, 15 miles north of Dumfries in south west Scotland, and you will find us in a building that was once part of row of millworkers cottages.

From our rural base, we present a year-round programme of exhibitions, screenings, talks, walks, workshops and events, sharing the work of contemporary artists, filmmakers and writers from across the world with our local communities and beyond.

Since we were established in late 2016, we have developed an ambitious public programme and through our public activity we have been able to reach and engage wide-ranging audiences and participants.

It is important to us that through our programme we amplify a diversity of voices, places and experiences and promote equality, accessibility and inclusion. 

Learn more about our mission  

At CAMPLE LINE our mission is to be an organisation that

  • is distinctive and independent, whilst being firmly rooted in our place;
  • increases access to and enjoyment of contemporary arts in a rural setting;
  • offers a public programme that is international in its scope and can resonate locally;
  • supports artists, filmmakers and creative practitioners to make new work, and to brings new work in to the public realm;
  • builds and develops audiences for artists and filmmakers working internationally today;
  • is an effective partner with educational, community and cultural organisations, and a trusted contributor to our local communities and economies;
  • and contributes to the cultural offer of the Nithsdale Area and to Dumfries & Galloway region, and to high quality programming in Scotland.

Learn more about our aims 

We have set ourselves a number of aims for the next three years. These include

  • continuing to develop a wide-ranging and ambitious programme  that is internationally informed and connected to the wider world as well as approachable and locally relevant and meaningful
  • continuing to build and engage the widest audiences through our programme, reaching and attracting members of our local communities as well as visitors travelling from further afield and more remote audiences through our digital platforms
  • continuing to amplify and reflect a diversity of voice, places and experiences through our programme, and to promote equality, accessibility and inclusion at the heart of what we do
  • working to become a low emissions organisation, working as sustainably as we can, and managing the environmental impact of our work
  • continuing to build relationships and collaborations to the benefit of our audiences, strengthening our connections within our region as well as nationally and internationally 
  • and developing the opportunities and benefits we can provide to the communities around us 

Read our Statement on Anti-Racism

CAMPLE LINE stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and with those rejecting racism and demanding justice and social change. 

We recognise that structural racism is deeply rooted within our society and remains endemic, including within the arts sector, and we acknowledge the inequalities it produces for Black people and for those who are from Asian and minority ethnic communities. 

Indeed, the insidious consequences of structural racism for individuals, families and communities and their traumatic impacts have been all too apparent in recent weeks and months. 

There is an urgent need for systemic and lasting change, and we are committed to doing our share and to taking actions within our own organisation to bring these about.   

Though we are a relatively new organisation, we have committed to building a public programme around visual arts, film and literature that amplifies a wide diversity of voices, places and experiences and promotes equality, with a particular focus on non-dominant narratives and communities, both within the UK and internationally. 

We recognise, however, that even within our short track record, there are imbalances and omissions in representation within our programme and our organisation, and that as such we contribute to rather than challenge longstanding inequalities as well as their impacts. 

As we continue to develop CAMPLE LINE, we will challenge ourselves and make changes within our own organisation and work with others to combat racism and inequality.

To do this, we are taking time to educate ourselves as an organisation on anti-racism, and we are examining how structural racism materialises within our own work, organisation and sector. 

As we do so, we are identifying ways that we can support, donate to, and actively engage with organisations that work directly to effect change, eradicate racism and alleviate its impacts.

Within this process we will articulate our commitments to anti-racism, equality and diversity, and set out the actions we will take to put these into practice in all aspects of what we do, how we work, who we work with, and who we reach and include. We will share these via our website by September. 

In the meantime, we would welcome a wider conversation with our neighbours and surrounding communities and audiences on anti-racism, equality and diversity. Below we list some of the resources that are helping us to steer our own learning and guide our next steps.