
Two elderly ladies sit at a kitchen table, methodically trimming and preparing a large tray of wild herbs. They are each wearing a patterned headscarf and have white gloves on their hands. Behind there are kitchen surfaces with cupboards below, and two semi-opaque windows above that are slightly ajar.

This film will screen with English subtitles in-house, and with captions for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing viewers online

Join us for a screening of Palestinian artist and filmmaker Jumana Manna’s latest film Foragers. Shot in the Golan Heights, the Galilee and Jerusalem, Foragers focuses on the traditional Palestinian practices of foraging for the artichoke-like ‘akkoub and za’atar (thyme). Deeply embedded in traditional culture, these practices have been recently criminalised by the Israeli government under the guise of conservation efforts, resulting in heavy fines, trials, and prison sentences for Arabs who are caught gathering these plants. 

Following the plants from the wild to the kitchen, from the chases between Palestinian foragers and the Israeli nature patrol to the forager’s defence court rooms, Foragers questions the politics of conversation in relation to traditional land practices, raising the importance of wild food sources as sustenance and as cultural symbol for people whose political autonomy, rights, and land have been under attack for nearly a century.

Jumana herself has said: ‘Food manifests as a container for family and community histories tied to land… Collecting wild-growing food was the backbone of human survival for millennia, and continued to be a daily practice alongside agriculture for just as long. In recent years, foraging has seen a resurgence of popularity across much of the world: for some it’s a leisurely weekend activity, a way of being close to nature, and for others, a means of survival – a safety net in precarious times.’ 

Watch at Cample (+ Mark Williams talk): This event has now passed. A recording of Mark’s talk is available to watch via the online screening page for the film. 

Watch online: Book here to watch Foragers via Film at Cample online, available from 7 July – 5 August. 

Online Q&A: This was a live-only event and has now passed. Our grateful thanks to Jumana Manna for joining us online to talk about the film, and to the audience for bringing their own questions, stories and significant plants to share. You can read and listen to other interviews with Jumana about Foragers via the links at the bottom of the page. 

Jumana Manna is a visual artist and filmmaker. Her work explores how power is articulated, focusing on the body, land and materiality in relation to colonial inheritances and histories of place. Through sculpture, filmmaking, and occasional writing, Manna deals with the paradoxes of preservation practices, particularly within the fields of archaeology, agriculture and law. Her practice considers the tension between the modernist traditions of categorisation and conservation and the unruly potential of ruination as an integral part of life and its regeneration. Jumana was raised in Jerusalem and lives in Berlin.

Dir. Jumana Manna
2022, Palestine, 64mins
Arabic & Hebrew with English subtitles & SDH subtitles

+ post-screen talk by Mark Williams & foraged treats!

Tickets on a sliding scale:
£5 / £3 / £2 / Free
Ticket guide available here

Watch at Cample:
Thursday 6 July, 7:00pm

Join us for a screening at CAMPLE LINE, followed by a short response from Mark Williams (Galloway Wild Foods). The event is now sold out – please email us or call us on 01848 331000 if you would like to join the waiting list for tickets.

Watch Online:
7 July - 5 August

‘Foragers’ is available to book and watch online. All ticket bookers will also be sent a link to access the live online Q&A with Jumana Manna on 12 July, and also to watch a recording of local wild food expert and educator Mark Williams’ short talk, which followed our in-house screening of the film.

Mark William response to the Film (recorded at CAMPLE LINE, 6 July 2023)

Previous screenings by Jumana Manna

Foragers is the third film we have screened by Manna, following Wild Relatives in 2019 and A Magical Substance Flows into Me in 2020 (online). We are screening Foragers in partnership with ATLAS Arts on Skye, with grateful support from Film Hub Scotland’s Pitch Pots Fund.

A Magical Substance Flows Into Me

Supported by Film Hub Scotland, part of the BFI’s Film Audience Network, and funded by Screen Scotland and National Lottery funding from the BFI